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Sample Data Set
If you'd like a sample data set to get your feet wet with analyzing trajectory data in the Analyzer program, download here. This .ZIP file contains 20 MouseTracker data files (.MT) and a MouseTracker Settings file (.MTS) that may be loaded into Analyzer. These are not real data; they were generated by a research assistant. This data set simulates 20 subjects taking part in a simple color classification task. Subjects are presented with red circles, which may be colored typical (5 trials) or atypical (5 trials), and blue circles, which may be colored typical (5 trials) or atypical (5 trials). Subjects classify the color by clicking on a "RED" button in the top-left corner or a "BLUE" button in the top-right corner. The .MTS file is a straightforward analysis to compare trajectories for typical colors versus atypical colors, but you can explore any analysis you like.